I'm Seulgi David Hyoung.

I'm interested in FrontEnd, BackEnd, and Application.
I'm mainly focusing with the Frontend now.
I Look the various codes,
and strive to improve the code.
I want to grow together through learning
and communication.

more about me,
I majored in advertising industry psychology at university, Because I was curious about how human psychology and industrial structure marketing work and how to predict how human psychology works and what results it produces. I've been curious about those points since I was young, so I think the process of solving problems and producing results is similar to this from the perspective of the developer I'm doing now. In particular, I wonder how the process of solving problems together and the knowledge of the domain will lead me to be more interesting based on communication with team members. So I want to try it.


My Work.

My Blog Project - 2023/11/01~

  • forum project
  • Summary : Implementation and Distribution of Personal Blog Sites with React.
    This project is in the form of a bulletin board and consists of some simple items. The bulletin board is currently implementing a simple CRUD, configured the backend with Firebase, and deployed with Netlify . Updates are still in progress.

  • Detail

    - I thought about what kind of project to make, and I decided to make a personal blog because I think it will be useful for various personal purposes, such as posting posts and sharing materials. I looked at various sites for the overall design and layout, and made simple interactions, dark modes, main screens, and bulletin boards. The blog is currently being created, and I want to continue to try various functions and designs, and I will update it by considering what technologies to apply to the blog. Local global state management was done with Context-api and Rudux-toolkit.

    - Local storage has solved the issue that can be solved when refreshing in dark mode. Cookies do not need to be set up separately like sessions, so we decided to store them in local storage because they seem to be easy to use in a local environment and are not security-sensitive materials. In rudex, make the state of storing dark mode to boolean value, store it in local storage, and then, It was implemented in such a way that each of the dashcamode states was lowered to the necessary components and shown through the trilateral operator. I was able to see that the local storage values were well stored in the Chrome Web browser application tab.

    - Adding a new post Issue forum project After writing a new article on the bulletin board, I went back to the bulletin board, and there was a problem that the new article was not immediately reflected. In order to reduce frequent network communication when using react queries, I set the status to get the bulletin board list, that is, the get request part, and set the storeTime, but no new communication occurred during that time, so even if a new article was registered, the get request did not occur. So, when a new article was registered, the status of the bulletin board was updated by using invalidQueries to get the list again, and the status of the bulletin board was updated to see the new article.

  • Skills : React.js / Typescript / React-router / React-query / Netlify / GitHub / Post-css / Styled-component / Tailwind-CSS /Redux-Toolkit / Recoil / Firebase

  • -Github : https://github.com/dave829/myBoard-Client-withTS

  • -Link : https://cool-toffee-0bb496.netlify.app/

My Shopping Mall Project - 2023/10/01~

  • shopping mall project
  • Summary : This project is in the form of a shopping mall, and consists of some simple items. The shopping mall has now implemented a simple CRUD, Google login, logout and administration account, real-time shopping list update function, and deletion function were implemented. I configured the backend with Firebase, and I distributed it with Netlify. We will continue to add payment functions and other functions, and we are updating the UI.

  • Detail

    - Issues when adding newly registered items to your shopping cart. forum project When adding shopping items to your shopping cart There was a problem that the number ui of the shopping cart icon in the top navigation could not be counted. The issue is that data has been sent to the server(Firebase) well, but changes are not imported from the react UI. Using the react query, we fixed the issue by updating the changed status. This problem also occurred when adding new shopping items, and I solved it in the same way.

  • Skills : React / Context api / React-router / React-query / Netlify / Firebase / GitHub CI/CD / Tailwind css
  • -Link : https://thriving-dolphin-d36e94.netlify.app/
  • -Github : https://github.com/dave829/my-shoppy-app

Project Review.



  • Both the company and I like to achieve growth.

  • I want to develop a service that is easy for users to use and satisfactory.

  • I like to implement simple but easy to use, trendy interfaces and animations.

  • Since all the members of the team work together, I will communicate well I try to be able to do it, and if there's something I'm lacking in my job or something I don't know Even if there is, actively explore, communicate well, and produce good results I try to pay for it.


  • Ask questions after actively exploring what you don't know.

  • Communicate with humility, respect and learning from each other.


  • Have learned the SEO settings.

  • CSS Grid / Flex

  • Tailwind / Style-Component

  • MUI UI / Antd Design UI / Bootstrap UI

  • GitHub Action CI / CD


  • Use JavaScript and TypeScript.


  • Use React Hooks, split the reusable parts, and the necessary parts need to make it a component function.

  • Find out various component design patterns and apply them appropriately, separate components in a simple way.

  • Experienced Redux and Redux-Toolkit, Recoil, Zustand among state global management libraries.

  • React-query and React-router


  • Just getting started, as beginner but Experience a simple full stack through NextJs.

  • I've experienced SSR and easy routing implementation,
    and I've seen a lot of NextJs offers I've experienced the convenience function.


  • Express.js


  • I was able to experience simple DB creation (CRUD) and input and output through MongoDB.

  • Firebase

  • Netlify

  • AWS S3, elastic Beantalk, ec2